Administrative Committee

Albert Bonello Ghio
Chair Person

Joseph Oliva
Member in the Hamlet of Paceville in the administrative council of the Labour Party
Born in Cospiqua, Joseph Oliva has since then relocated and today lives in Paceville.
Mr Oliva received his secondary education at St Albert College before proceeding to run his own business for a number of years. He has since then retired and enjoys his time as a council member and pensioner.

Maria Dolores Falzon
Councillor to serve in our hamlet of Paceville.
Ms Falzon attended the Rosary School in St Julian’s before embarking on her career at a foreign franchise retailer as a store supervisor. In the past Ms Falzon has also held various posts within the tourism industry.
Ms Falzon is able to speak three languages and today focuses her attention towards the nightlife-oriented hamlet of Paceville.