Milleninum chapel

From Thursday the 28th of November, 2019 to Monday the 2nd of December, 2019.

Millenium Chapel

International conference.

Program highlights

Friday 29th
9:00 – Welcome speech by the mayor of San Giljan.

9:30 – Speech by Ms. Maria Pisani “Integration in a European Perspective”.

10:30 – Debate – Panel made up of Ms. Maria Pisani, Ms. Viviana Premazzi and Dott. Albert Buttifieg.

14:30 – Working groups – Best practices for shelter and inclusion of migrants, the challenges for youths in a European society, cultural dialogue including traditions and folklore in Europe.

Sunday 1st
9:00 – Report by the working groups.

10:45 – Recital by the ST. Julian’s choral group with Maltese and traditional.

20:00 – Dinner at the hotel.

Presentation 2

Viviana Premazzi BRIE Conference



BRIE Article


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